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Writer's pictureMartin Kroupa t/a Czechmate Pest Control & Czm8

Scotland's devolved institutions 'crooked as dog's hind leg'

I updated my other article Scottish Government Institutions Derelict of Duties (of 10 October 2020) on my blog on 20 March 2021:

To day, I still haven't got any further communication from the Directorate of Justice of the Scottish Government to follow up on my complaint about the SCCRC.

I am afraid, It appears here that the devolved Scottish justice really is a big mess and its directorate, indeed, is an abandoned institution.

I apologize that I have never got the chance to post more updates on what followed after that until I published a newer article Injury, Trauma, and Terror in Scotland

Please read this post on my blog, the above link should work.

Nationalist-devolved deep state of Scotland waged vendetta against innocent and vulnerable family for my complaining

While we were waiting for a reply from St Andrews House or the SCCRC, a tragic accident happened to me on a job for a client of mine in Clarkston, Glasgow on 21 April. Considering circumstances, it was great I didn't come out 'on the other side' but also with my left hand surgically re-attached, although it has made my left arm an inch shorter in its total length with half of my wrist bones permanently missing.

I got out of the hospital in a frail and vulnerable condition to be cared for by my good partner Jarmila at home in the fore-coming weeks. My 9-year-old son Martin Jnr and my 8-year-old daughter Sophie-Ella that had not been allowed to visit me during my hospitalization because of Coronavirus restrictions were now 'over the moon' to reunite with me - their dad and be together as a family after two weeks of an anxious uncertainty dealt with us by the accident.

When my diagnosis of trauma and complete-compound fracture of hand resulted in PTSD

6 days out of hospital gate when we thought nothing worse could happen to us, 'out of the blue' (or should I better say “out of the darkness”?) Poileas Alba [devolved Scottish police force] burst into our family home in Stevenston, North Ayrshire on the early night of 12 May 2021 to arrest me in my bed when I had just managed to shift myself there there on one leg (skin-graft), with the help of my partner Jarmila, from our bathroom.

By Martin Kroupa

Update 4 March 2022 at 03:11

Poileas Alba denies any mistakes or liability for any errors in the line of their duty in reply to my complaint about a member of the force.

Under dubious circumstances, PF (just after Hogmanay) mounted another persecution on me on top of the first one for allegedly assaulting a police officer who, inside Saltcoats police station, grabbed me by the wrist that missed most of the original wrist including important bones, ligaments, and a large half-foot-long patch of skin and tried to tear my skin-graft off then still fresh wound while pulling my very recently re-attached hand off its mounting of 8 metal pins and 12-inch titanium plate inside my left arm.

In a way you wouldn't treat an animal, an Officer has grabbed me by the wound lifted me from the floor where I had just fallen because of a blackout.

Wrongful conviction (please read this article) has been appealed to Scottish High (Appeal) Court with legal proceedings 'on the way'. The second case is 'under way', therefore, I cannot yet publicly disclose any other details but those have already been publicly spoken about or were also communicated to the Police Standards Department West. Although with limited hours, my business Czechmate Pest Control has resumed and continues to provide valuable pest control service for residents and businesses across Ayrshire and in Greater Glasgow. Please, don't be surprised that I and my family are now living in a state of fear of further harassment and undue punishment. For myself, I have got to say I have been shocked and 'mortified' by the ruthless attack launched on a vulnerable family by the devolved institutions and agencies of nationalist Scotland. Most sadly, my both children that suffer from ADHD syndrome one and the other one from autism and my partner are the ones that these devolved-state institutions and agencies have actually been punishing the most by targeting me.

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